Academic Research

Academic research is one of the most significant activities of our museum. Research assistants working for different museum departments do research. But it is the main focus for the work of the Academic Research Department. One of the main tasks of the Department is preparation and publication of the scholarly annotated bibliography of Tolstoy’s personal library in five volumes. Our researchers take part in various conferences, deliver lectures about Tolstoy’s life and work and have their articles and monographs published in Russia and abroad.

Leo Tolstoy's Personal Library

On May 27, 2011, the Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova endorsed recommendations by the International Advisory Committee of the Memory of the World Committee to inscribe 45 new documents and documentary collections from all over the world on the Memory of the World Register. Among them there are Ostromir Gospel (1056 -1057) and Leo Tolstoy’s Personal Library.

From May 22 to May 25 an International Advisory Committee of experts was reviewing the 80 nominees for the Memory of the World Register List in Manchester. Now this list numbers a total of 238 items. “By helping safeguard and share such a varied documentary heritage, UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme reinforces the basis for scholarship and enjoyment of the creative wealth and diversity of human cultures and societies,” said UNESCO Director-General.
